Public Debate on the Management Plan of the National Park Mavrovo

On 5th December 2011, in the Hotel “Bistra” (Mavrovo), within the frameworks of the Project titled as “Protection of Environment, Economic Development and Promotion of Sustainable Eco-tourism in NP Mavrovo” implemented on behalf of the Italian non-government organizations OXFAM Italy and GVC, there was a public debate about the “Draft – Management Plan of the National Park Mavrovo”. As attendees at this debate were invited the representatives of the local communities which are at the territory of the Park, the hotel owners, the non-government organizations as well as representatives of all the institutions that circulate at the Park’s territory.
Over the three years of the implementation of the project, more than 30 experts from the country and abroad made separate studies in various fields of expertise, on the basis of the field analyses made for the purpose of identifying the bio-diversity and the socio-economic component.
In accordance with the Law on Nature Protection, this research was synthesized in an integral “Study for Revalorization of the Protected Area Mavrovo”. This study represented a basis for preparation of the “Draft – Management Plan of the National Park Mavrovo”, which will be with overall duration of 10 years (from 2012 to 2021) and will also serve as basis for the following actions that are to be undertaken in the direction of protecting and managing the Park.
In close collaboration with the Ministry of Environment and Urban Planning of the Republic of Macedonia, the Municipality of Mavrovo and Rostuse, the Public Enterprise – National Park Mavrovo, as well as together with the other stakeholders, there was prepared the “Draft – Management Plan of the National Park Mavrovo” in accordance with the latest international criteria that cover the following three basic components regarding the protected areas’ management:
1. Preservation of natural heritage;
2. Preservation of cultural heritage;
3. Socio-economic development of the area.
The contents of the “Draft – Management Plan of the National Park Mavrovo”, can be summarized as follows:
a. Identification and valorization of the major components of bio-diversity, geo-diversity and areal diversity in the area;
b. Identification and valorization of the major components of the cultural heritage;
c. Identification of the threats for the Park’s values;
d. Identification of the main and the specific objectives for preservation and management of the Park;
e. Adoption of programmes and sub-programmes for realization of the main and the specific objectives for preservation and management of the Park;
f. Definition of activities for preservation and management of the Park;
g. Determining the dynamics for realization of the projected activities;
h. Adopting financial framework for implementation of the “Management Plan of the National Park Mavrovo”;
i. Determining the area management effectiveness indicators.
At this public debate were discussed and debated all the proposals, suggestions and remarks made on the behalf of all the interested parties that take part in this process, the main intention of this being enabling them giving greater contribution in defining the final version of Management Plan of the National Park Mavrovo”.