On 3rd November 2011, in the premises of the Information Tourist Center, there was held a business meeting the attendees of which were the Manager of JUNP Mavrovo, Mr. Oner Jakuposki, the new Ambassador of Holland in the Republic of Macedonia, Ms. Mariet Shurman, the Mayor of the Municipality of Mavrovo and Rostusha, the representatives of the hotels as well as the representatives of the Cycling Club “Energy”.

At the beginning of the meeting, the Macedonian representatives expressed their gratitude for the on-going cooperation with the Holland Embassy, with hope that it would proceed to be active further in other areas too. The main topic of the meeting was the organization of “Mavrovo Tour”, review of the results achieved that year, determination of the following steps in the organization of “Mavrovo Tour 2012”, as well as the possibilities for overcoming the flaws that appeared over the past years. All the attendees expressed their readiness to also take part in this manifestation in future, by pointing out some new ideas and suggestions how to make “Mavrovo Tour” turn into a world-rank event which would attract large number of bikers both from the country and abroad, and would take place over the whole weekend enriched with diverse sports and cultural programme.

The Manager of the National Park and the new Ambassador listed a few important activities carried out by the JUNP Mavrovo over the last few years, the main aim of which was to develop tourism i.e. to develop cycling and mountaineering.  The Ambassador was also informed that what followed was a promotion of all the mountain tracks, and she was also invited to be an honored guest of the National Park on this occasion.

Large part of the attendees at this meeting used this opportunity to negotiate that the Ambassador pressures the Holland tour-operators to bring significant number of tourists at the National Park, this winter and in the tourist seasons that follow. For this purpose, the Ambassador was made familiar with the natural and cultural features and contents the Park could offer to the potential tourists.

It was arranged that the next meeting takes place in November.


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