Besides the regular tree-planting made on behalf of the National Park Mavrovo within the framework of its competence, the National Park always takes part in the realization of the event “The Tree Day – Plant Your Future”. This year’s motto of the event was “By planting today – we are writing and sending a letter of peace”. During this “Tree Day”, there were trees planted near the local settlements, the artificial lakes, in the national parks and by the local and regional roads. The employees of the National Park together with the pupils from the local schools planted trees on six locations, the locations being the following ones: the location of Dolna Reka (where chestnut trees were planted), the location near the village of Skudrinje, in the area from the village of Nikiforovo to the village of Mavrovo (where pine trees were planted), the locations near the villages of Galicnik, Selce and Sushica as well as at the location of Kutel (where oak trees were planted). The National Park Mavrovo is extremely pleased with the successfully realized event, and the Park would like to thank to all the people who took active participation in this action, at the same time expressing its readiness to always support actions and initiatives of this kind.





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