In the premises of the Information Tourist Center that operates within the frameworks of the National Park Mavrovo, there was a promotion of the arranged mountain and cycle tracks existing in this National Park.  This activity has been performed as a part of the project titled as “Environment preservation, economic growth and promotion of sustainable […]

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On 5th December 2011, in the Hotel “Bistra” (Mavrovo), within the frameworks of the Project titled as “Protection of Environment, Economic Development and Promotion of Sustainable Eco-tourism in NP Mavrovo” implemented on behalf of the Italian non-government organizations OXFAM Italy and GVC, there was a public debate about the “Draft – Management Plan of the […]

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Organized by the National Park Mavrovo, the Municipality of Mavrovo and Rostusa and the Netherlands Embassy in Skopje, Macedonia, fourth time in a row took place the charity event “Mavrovo Tour 2012.” Besides the above mentioned, in the preparation and realization of this event also took part a number of hotels from Mavrovo and large […]

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